You Need To Know !

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


Opens the help menu !

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024

Windows Key + F1

open the Microsoft Windows help and support center.

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


renames a highlighted icon, file, or folder in all versions of Windows.

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024

Ctrl + F2

displays the print preview window in Ms Word.

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


opens a search feature for many programs including Ms Word.

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024

Shift + F3

change the text in Microsoft Word from upper to lower case. 

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


Display list of active installments .

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


Refreshing the active window. 

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024


spell and grammar check a document in Microsoft programs 

nationmirror                                             04/07/2024