A violent clash broke out in Paladhi village, Jalgaon district, Maharashtra, on New Year’s Eve, after a dispute over honking. The altercation began when a car driver allegedly honked and asked another group to give way, which escalated into a heated exchange. The situation spiraled further, with several vehicles and shops being set on fire. Visuals from the scene showed significant destruction.
The authorities arrested seven individuals, and a curfew was imposed, which was lifted the following morning. To restore order, additional police forces, including the State Reserve Police Force and Riot Control Police, were deployed, along with fire brigade teams.
Fifteen shops and vehicles were reportedly destroyed during the violence, with one shopkeeper claiming a loss of Rs 3 lakh. The driver involved in the incident is reportedly the driver of State Minister Gulabrao Patil. This has sparked political controversy, with NCP-SCP leader Jitendra Awhad blaming the minister for the unrest, alleging political connections.
Shiv Sena MLC, Manisha Kayande, has called for a thorough investigation into the incident, to ascertain the facts and determine if there was any targeted attempt to harm the minister or his family. Congress MLA Nitin Raut also criticized the state government, holding it responsible for the incident.