After the dramatic saga over Eknath Shinde’s Chief Minister race, a new phase of suspense has emerged in Maharashtra’s politics—this time regarding portfolio allocation in the newly formed BJP-led government. Following the recent swearing-in of Eknath Shinde as Deputy Chief Minister, bringing an end to the uncertainty about who would lead the state, the focus has now shifted to the distribution of key ministerial portfolios.
According to sources, an initial framework for the portfolio allocation was agreed upon last month, where the BJP was allocated 22 ministries, the Shiv Sena (led by Shinde) around 12, and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) about nine. However, the battle over who gets what ministry is expected to stir further tension within the alliance.
Reports suggest that while Shinde’s Sena faction may not be present in Delhi during the discussions on portfolio distribution with Home Minister Amit Shah, they are likely to push for some key ministries. Notably, the Shiv Sena has shown interest in the Home Ministry, a high-profile portfolio that was previously held by Devendra Fadnavis in the last administration. The Sena views this as the only suitable compensation for surrendering the Chief Minister’s position to the BJP. However, the BJP is unwilling to give up this ministry, as it believes it has capable candidates who can manage the department effectively.
In addition to the Home Ministry, the Shiv Sena may be offered portfolios such as Urban Development, Public Works, and Revenue. Meanwhile, the NCP is demanding a fair share of ministries in line with its better strike rate in the recent elections. The party is particularly keen on reclaiming the Finance portfolio, previously held by NCP leader Ajit Pawar.
However, this is where complications arise, as both the Sena and NCP are believed to have set their sights on the Finance ministry. If the NCP gets its way with Finance, Planning, and Irrigation, the Shiv Sena will have to settle for other portfolios, potentially leaving its leader Shinde disappointed.
The tussle over portfolios is set to be the next major challenge for the BJP and its allies, especially after the dramatic events surrounding the Chief Minister’s race. The outcome of these discussions could define the future dynamics of the Maharashtra government.
NIMRAT : निमरत बनी सबसे ज्यादा गूगल पर सर्च होने वाली अभिनेत्री