An 18-year-old girl who had fallen into a deep borewell in Kanderai village of Gujarat’s Kutch district was successfully rescued after more than 33 hours of intensive efforts. The incident occurred at around 6:30 am on Monday when the teenager accidentally fell into a 540-foot deep borewell. She was stuck at a depth of 490 feet.
The borewell, which had a diameter of only one foot, posed significant challenges for the rescue teams due to the narrow space and the teenager’s size. Various agencies, including the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Border Security Force (BSF), Bhuj fire department, local emergency teams, and police, worked tirelessly to rescue her.
Despite initial doubts regarding the family’s claim, authorities confirmed her presence in the borewell by Monday afternoon with the help of a camera. After multiple attempts, the girl was safely brought out, though she was unconscious. She was quickly transferred to an ambulance and taken to a nearby hospital for medical treatment.
The teenager hails from a migrant laborer family from Rajasthan. The rescue operation’s success came as a relief to the entire community after the long and strenuous efforts.
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