On December 30, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin inaugurated India’s first-ever glass bridge, located in Kanyakumari. This architectural marvel connects the iconic Vivekananda Rock Memorial and the Thiruvalluvar statue, offering visitors a stunning, immersive experience.
The bridge spans 77 meters in length and 10 meters in width, providing unobstructed, panoramic views of the sea and surrounding landscape. The project, which cost Rs 37 crore, was completed to coincide with the silver jubilee of the Thiruvalluvar statue’s unveiling by late Chief Minister M Karunanidhi.
Before the glass bridge, tourists had to rely on ferry services to travel between the two monuments. Now, with this new addition, visitors can walk comfortably between the sites, enjoying the breathtaking views along the way. The bridge not only enhances the area’s visual appeal but also makes the journey more accessible and enjoyable.
Chief Minister Stalin shared a bird’s-eye view of the bridge on his official social media, showcasing its intricate design and the beauty of the surrounding coastline.