New Delhi: The ashes of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh were immersed in the Yamuna Ghat near Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tila Sahib in Delhi, a day after his cremation with full state honors at Nigambodh Ghat. Earlier today, his ashes were brought to Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tila Sahib, where the family performed various religious rituals to pay their respects.
Rajya Sabha MP Vikramjit Singh Sahney shared that the former PM’s ashes would be immersed in the Yamuna, and after that, family members would perform rituals including Ardas, Shabad Kirtan, Paath, and prayers at the Gurudwara. He said, “Today, the ashes of former PM Manmohan Singh will be immersed in the Yamuna. Prior to that, the ashes will be kept here (at Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tilla), where Shabad Kirtan, Paath, and Ardas will be performed… After the immersion of his ashes in the Yamuna, the family members will come to the Gurudwara for Ardas.”
Meanwhile, Gursharan Kaur, wife of the late former PM, also arrived at Gurdwara Majnu Ka Tila to participate in the Kirtan and Guru Path.
On Saturday, former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was cremated with full state honors at Nigambodh Ghat in Delhi’s Kashmere Gate, in the presence of his family, friends, colleagues, and government dignitaries.
Dr. Manmohan Singh: The Architect of Modern India’s Economic Growth