Union External Affairs Minister (EAM) S. Jaishankar has assured Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin that his Ministry would continue efforts to ensure the early release and repatriation of 14 Indian fishermen detained by Pakistani authorities. This assurance came in response to a letter from Chief Minister Stalin, dated November 20, 2024, concerning the fishermen’s release.
The 14 fishermen, including seven from Tamil Nadu, were taken into custody by the Pakistan Navy on January 3, 2024, while fishing off the coast of Porbandar, Gujarat. The fishermen were apprehended along with their two mechanized fishing boats, Shri Vraj Bhumi and Mandeep.
In his letter, Jaishankar emphasized that the Indian High Commission in Islamabad had been actively seeking consular access for the detained fishermen and had urged Pakistan to ensure their safety and well-being until their repatriation. He assured that the High Commission would continue to follow up and make every necessary effort for their release.
The Indian government is also aware of the detention and the boats’ seizure by Pakistan, and the matter has been raised with the Pakistani government, although consular access has not yet been granted.
Chief Minister Stalin, in his letter, highlighted the prolonged detention and humanitarian concerns, urging the government to take more concrete steps through diplomatic channels for the fishermen’s immediate release.
This incident is part of a broader issue, as Indian fishermen from Tamil Nadu are frequently detained by the Sri Lankan Navy as well. Since June 16, 2024, Sri Lankan authorities have arrested 425 Tamil Nadu fishermen and seized 58 boats, leading to widespread protests across Tamil Nadu’s coastal regions. During a recent visit to Sri Lanka, EAM Jaishankar discussed these ongoing arrests and urged the Sri Lankan government to take measures to prevent further detentions. Despite these diplomatic discussions, the arrests have continued, causing growing unrest within the fishing community.